Dra. Ma. Eugenia Vega-Cendejas

Dra. Ma. Eugenia Vega-Cendejas – Dra. Vega-Cendejas joined the effort at the request of Dr. Simons shortly after he re-designated the project’s domain to include Mexico, Cuba and the southern Gulf of Mexico. Dra. Vega-Cendejas has assisted with the collection of references from Mexico, served as a liaison with other Mexican and Cuban scientists, and translated text into Spanish for the bibliography of trophic references that serves as the cornerstone of the database project. She has also been involved with the writing of several proposals toward furthering the database to completion, and papers to inform the scientific community about the need for and importance of the Gulf species interaction database.


The Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (in Spanish: Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional or simply as CINVESTAV) is a Mexican non-governmental scientific research affiliated to the National Polytechnic Institute and founded by president Adolfo López Mateos on 17 April 1961,initially planned as a postgraduate department of the National Polytechnic Institute, which was later modified by President José López Portillo, on the 17 September 1982. That modification stipulates that it is a decentralized organ of public interest, with legal personality and own patrimony. CINVESTAV receives an annual subsidy by the Federal Government to fund its operations.