Cristina Schoonard and Dave Reed – Mrs. Schoonard and Mr. Reed joined the effort upon funding of the Gulf of Mexico program grant that was led by Dr. Cristina Carollo. Mrs. Schoonard extracted and entered meta data lite for all 747 references in the bibliography, and completed the geo-coding of about 40% of the references that were not completed by the OU effort. In addition, she has compiled and edited location maps for all of the food habit studies in preparation of publishing the trophic bibliography. Mr. Reed has assisted with the management of the project and assisting with logistics and project design issues.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is a Florida government agency charged with managing the state’s fish and wildlife resources, regulating Florida’s fisheries and wildlife, and enforcing related laws. Besides managers, research, and support personnel, the FWC operates as a law enforcement agency; FWC officers can perform many police functions in the course of their duties. The Florida Constitution authorizes the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to enact rules and regulations regarding the state’s fish and wildlife resources. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, managing fish and wildlife resources for their long-term well-being and the benefit of people.